Entry-level Oral Board Interviews
Department Morale Survey
Law Enforcement, Fire Service, Corrections & 911 Communications
We are nationally recognized experts in the assessment of law enforcement, fire service, corrections, and 911 communications personnel - both for pre-hire and for promotional processes.
Dr. Rafilson has dedicated much of the last 25 of his 33-year career to public safety testing and assessment. He has served as an expert for the U.S. Department of Justice Employment Litigation Division in police and fire employment testing cases, as an expert for numerous state and municipal public safety agencies.
We can demonstrate the defensibility of our entry-level and promotional processes and ensure that your testing and assessment process can be upheld. In 2009, the United States Supreme Court, in Ricci v. DeStefano, ruled that the City of New Haven was required to use the results of Fire Lieutenant and Captain promotional examinations due to the overwhelming amount of exam validity evidence. This project, led by Dr. Fred Rafilson, helped to cement his reputation as an expert. Our in-depth knowledge and direct association with this landmark ruling enables us to provide unparalleled insight on test validation and fairness issues.
Public Safety Assessment Services
Hiring & Promotional Process Review
360 Peer Review Leadership Survey
Assessment Center Exercises
Promotional Panel Interview Process
Custom Written Examinations
Psychological Evaluations (Entry-level, Promotional, Fitness for Duty) for Oregon police and fire depts.
(Our evaluations meet the requirements of the new SB423)
Our psychological evaluations assess a wide variety of traits. There is no single characteristic that will cause a candidate to fail a psychological evaluation – rather it is a combination – or interaction of traits, attitudes, opinions and behaviors. Our psychologists look for a pattern that provides a clear indication of an individual’s suitability for public safety work. Of course, underlying our method is that we have an in-depth understanding of the job duties and responsibilities of these positions, both on a day-to-day basis, as well as in infrequent – yet highly critical situations. The following – in alphabetical order (not in order of importance), are some of the things we look for:
Acceptance of Criticism Adaptability/Flexibility Anger Control
Anti-Social Characteristics Anxiety Level Assertiveness/ Persuasiveness
Attention to Safety Communications Skills Conscientiousness
Decision-Making/Judgment Emotional Regulation/Stress Tolerance Impulse Control
Integrity/Ethics Mood Post-Traumatic Stress (PTSD)
Propensity for Substance Alcohol Abuse Risk-Taking Tendency Self-Confidence
Social Competence Teamwork
Each evaluation consists of a battery of assessments provided by Clarity Talent Measurement, and an in-depth interview with both an I/O psychologist and an Oregon licensed mental health professional. All assessments are chosen for their validity, reliability, and usefulness for the particular position being assessed.
An in-depth structured interview with a psychologist allows for further understanding of assessment results along with probing each candidate’s own unique life and work history. Interviews often uncover patterns of behavior indicative of success or failure at work and allow a deeper level of understanding of a candidate’s true motivation and attitudes. Some of the themes discussed during the interview phase of the psychological evaluation include: